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Top 5 summer activities to help your child develop math skills

Top 5 summer activities to help your child develop math skills

Studies have found that the earlier you start your little one learning math, the better. 

Starting from infancy and continuing throughout the preschool period, children develop a base of skills, and concepts, about numbers and mathematics. As children learn to count, their thinking changes in a way that shapes their concept of numbers.

Preschool math activities do not need to be complicated. Everyday fun activities are opportunities to expose young children to math!

Importance of counting

Counting does not mean only reciting the number word sequence. There must be items to count, and there should be an easy procedure to use those items. It should be something that builds a learning environment but also fun for the child. After all, it is cool to play and learn at the same time. 

Now, these items can be beads, marbles, fingers, holiday cookies, steps, etc. 

To get you started, here are five fun activities to develop your child’s math skills.

1. Number recognition

Let’s start from the basics. For this activity, you need to put the monkey in the center on the scale as shown below. Place any random digit on the left side of the monkey and place the same number of monkeys on the right. Now ask your child to recognize the number represented. Awesome! Let’s get going.

2. Number Sense

Learn to count forwards by increasing the number with the number of monkeys. Remember! The goal is to keep the monkey balanced. You need to put the next no. on the left and put one extra monkey to go to the next count.

Similarly, learn to count backward by removing a monkey and placing the previous number. 

3. Addition

No matter what your age, but the addition is and will always be a part of your life. What’s more fun than adding your monkeys! Now, place the digit 1 and place a monkey. Next, you can plan the digit 3 and ask your child to hop those monkeys on the other side. 

As long as that scale is balanced, your child is a WINNER!🤩

4. Subtraction

Drop the monkeys down! That’s right. Here you have to do the reverse of what you did in the previous game. Keep placing a lower number and remove the monkeys accordingly. The game is on until the guy in the center sits strong😄

5. Reverse formula

Now let’s make this a little challenging. Shall we? Place the monkeys on the right and ask your child to place a digital equal to the number of monkeys. At any time, you can add or remove the monkey to increase the level of challenge and improve your problem-solving skills.

 Hope that sounds fun! 

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